Food and different food cuisines have been a prominent way of connecting and bonding with different kinds of people from different languages, regions, countries at one table. For decades, food fusion has been carried out and favored by the people very popularly because of how diverse the two dishes are individually but how amazing they can turn out to be once they are fused.
One of the best and most influential food cuisines and cultures has been the thai food culture and cuisines. The recipes, dishes, and ingredients have been loved by people all across the globe that have an essence of the thai culture in them.
What is considered one of the best thai dishes?
The thai culture has blessed the world with a lot of different dishes that specialize in nonvegetarian and vegetarian varieties amongst which thai fried rice is the most popular dish that has run its course throughout the world.
This dish can be made vegetarian or non-vegetarian by adding eggs, or any meat of your choice, but the only thing that is not going to change about this dish would be its splendid taste and blend of different spices that are used in the making.
It includes jasmine fried rice with onions, garlic, and fish sauce, with a foundation of juicy seared shrimp that keeps on adding to the dish’s authenticity and topped off with an egg that has a soft yet deliciously luscious running soft yolk.
This dish has been fused with various other different cultures including different variations by adding or replacing some of the ingredients with other locally available rare ingredients which level up the dish’s unique taste.
The thai fried rice is the most chosen dish in all of the restaurants that serve thai based food dishes, across Singapore, Thailand, Taiwan, Japan, and China and are also provided to the customers via food delivery through different applications or walk-in restaurant experiences.